In 55 Minute Physiology I tackle exciting physiology, nutrition, and human performance questions in 55 minutes or less...or sometimes, much, much longer.... This EXTRA long format allows more extensive discussion than its little brothers, 5 Min & 25 Min Physiology. If you've got a topic you want to dive hard into, 55 Min Physiology is here for you. I'll cover 1) what the answer is, 2) why it is what it is, 3) and when it may not be true (the exceptions to the rules). Similar to a University lecture, I'll cover entire topics; giving the whole story so you feel like an expert! Don't be scared of the time commitment. It will fly by and I promise you won't be disappointed!
55 Min Phys: Optimizing Hydration for Athletes
Part Duex!!
55 Min Phys: Optimizing Hydration for Athletes
Part 1
The extended version of my wildly popular "25 Min Optimizing Hydration" video.
Here I cover:
◾ How to "optimize" your own hydration
◾ How much water to drink (hint: the whole "8 cups a day" thing, that's all nonsense)
◾ Why your diet may be causing you to need more water
◾ How to test (i.e. personalize) yourself
◾ Why optimizing hydration matters
◾ How hydration works (physiologically)
◾ What & How much you sweat
◾ Sports drinks & electrolytes for hydration, good or bad?
55 Min Phys: New Science of Muscle Hypertrophy - Part 3, Eating & Training
Including what we know scientifically about:
1. How many calories for muscle growth
2. How much fat, protein, EAA, and Leucine
3. Anabolic Window
And how each of these training variables need to be played to optimize muscle hypertrophy
1. Volume
2. Intensity
3. Training to failure
4. Rest intervals
5. Frequency (times per week per muscle group)
6. Which exercises work best
7. Why Renaissance Periodization sucks!
8. Partial vs. Full range of motion
9. Concentric vs. Eccentric
10. Repetition tempo and time under tension
1. What time of day to lift
12. Hard gainzers
13. Potpourri
This should keep you busy over the next few weeks.....
I appreciate any support at www.patreon.com/andygalpin
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on Instagram @DrAndyGalpin and Twitter @DrAndyGalpin
55 Min Phys: New Science of Muscle Hypertrophy, Part 1 - Physiology
I appreciate any support at www.patreon.com/andygalpin
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on Instagram @DrAndyGalpin and Twitter @DrAndyGalpin
55 Min Phys: New Science of Muscle Hypertrophy, Part 1 - Physiology
For all of you muscle nerds out there, I cover the latest science on:
1. How much muscle grows
2. Is the growth uniform across the muscle?
3. Show you ACTUAL elite athlete muscle fibers
4. Sliding filament theory
5. Myofiber lengthening
6. Myofiber splitting & hyperplasia
7. Myofiber growth
8. Bodybuilder vs. powerlifter muscle growth
9. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
10. Include a special challenge.....
In Part 2 of this 3 Part series, I'll cover "What & How To Cause Muscle Hypertrophy".
55 Min Phys: Why You Fart So Much
Including hit singles such as:
What foods give you gas, how digestion works, FODMAPs, starches, soluble vs. insoluble fiber, GI distress, pro & pre-biotics, gut microbiome, digestive enzymes, sugar, sweeteners/sugar substitutes, beans/broccoli/cabbage farts, Inulin & Sorbitol, fermentation, non-starchy polysaccharides, gut inflammation & IBS, how much fiber to eat, white vs. brown rice, fecal transplants & poop in a pill, oatmeal & resistant starches, and finally.....protein bar farts!!!!
I appreciate any support at www.patreon.com/andygalpin
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on Instagram @DrAndyGalpin and Twitter @DrAndyGalpin
Physiology of Endurance: 55 Minute Phys
This is an in-depth lecture covering a variety of topics in regards to the physiology of endurance.
I appreciate any support at www.patreon.com/andygalpin
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on Instagram @DrAndyGalpin and Twitter @DrAndyGalpin
Stretching - Before, After...or Never? : 55 Min Phys
In this short version of 55 Min Phy I talk about the physiology of how stretching works, which type is best, the difference between dynamic & static, and some other fun little stretching tricks.
◾ I appreciate any support at www.patreon.com/andygalpin
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on Instagram @DrAndyGalpin and Twitter @DrAndyGalpin
Check out the NEWEST SEASON of my podcast www.thebodyofknowledge.com for other awesome stuff!
Thanks, fam!
- Andy
Energy for Exercise, How We Make It: 55 Min Phys
How do we use energy?
In this video, I discuss anaerobic vs aerobic metabolism, causes of fatigue when training, and many more topics around how we use energy!
Please help me keep developing these videos by making a small contribution at www.patreon.com/andygalpin .
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on my social media @DrAndyGalpin.
Check out my podcast www.thebodyofknowledge.com for other awesome stuff!
Cheers, friends.
How To Know What To Focus My Workouts On
Flexibility? Strength? Power? Fat Loss? Balance and the list goes on and on and on and on....
It becomes extraordinarily difficult to identify WHAT to focus on in your training.
In this video I show my system for how to decide on what to focus on in your training. i.e. It's my unique take on what many call a "needs analysis".
Please help me keep developing these videos by making a small contribution at www.patreon.com/andygalpin .
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on my social media @DrAndyGalpin.
Check out my podcast www.thebodyofknowledge.com for other awesome stuff!
Cheers, friends.
How To Get Stronger Without Adding Muscle Mass
In this video I describe both how to do this in the gym (i.e. how to design your workouts) and the physiology behind it!
HINT: It’s not ALL the Nervous System…
If you want the quick answer, check out the 5 Min Phys version of this video.
Please help me keep developing these videos by making a small contribution at www.patreon.com/andygalpin .
You can see me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on my social media @DrAndyGalpin.
Check out Chapter 1, Volume 1, of my podcast www.thebodyofknowledge.com for way more details about how much changes at the cellular level with exercise!
Cheers, friends.
- Andy
Quality vs. Quantity: The Great Calorie Debate
Losing fat is all about lowering calories....Or is it?
If you're confused about the whole "calories in, calories out vs. quality" - this video will help.
What you'll find is there's truth in both, but most people are extremely misinformed with how it all works. In this video I clear up the confusion about what's more important, food quantity (i.e. calories) or food quality for weight loss, muscle gain, performance, and recover.
It blows me away how much people talk about this topic, without understanding the fundamental basics of "Energy Balance".
What you'll notice is there's actually a lot LESS confusion on the topic than most people think. T
his video should resolve a lot of that. See more videos from me at www.patreon.com/andygalpin . Y
You see can me post wayyyyyy more awesome health, exercise, muscle, and performance science stuff on my social media @DrAndyGalpin.
And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and share this video with all of your awesome friends!
XOXO - Andy
The Physiology of Fat Loss
Have you ever wondered how fat loss actually, physically happens?
Do carbs make you fat?
What's the best way to workout to lose fat?
What is Metabolism, exactly?
How do the glycolytic, lipolytic, aerobic, and anaerobic energetic pathways work together to maximize metabolic energy while minimizing adipose tissue storage?
Find the answer to these questions and more right here in this in-depth discussion of the Physiology of Fat Loss!
I break down the basic physiology of fat loss in this epic, nearly 2 hour edition of 55 Min Physiology. Understanding this will improve the likelihood of achieving your (or your client's) weight loss goals!
Want the short version? Check out 5 Min & 25 Min Physiology of Fat Loss Videos.
Questions? Send them to me on Twitter or Instagram @DrAndyGalpin
You can also check out my podcast on thebodyofknowledge.com and my book at athleteunplugged.com !
Thanks and enjoy. Much Love.
Thanks everyone!
What Are Muscle Fiber Types, & Can You Change Them With Your Training!?
Can muscle fiber types change?
Can fast-twitch fibers change to slow-twitch?
Can slow-twitch fibers turn into fast?
What is muscle, exactly?
How do muscles actually contract?
Find the answer to these questions and more right here in this in-depth discussion of the Muscle Fiber Types!
We've all heard of people with "fast-twitch" muscles. Well, there's actually much more to it than some people being fast-twitch and some being slow. Here I give you the breakdown of what Human Skeletal Muscle fiber types actually are. I also answer the famous question: am I born with it, or can this be changed with training? Be sure to check out Parts 2 & 3 in this epic, nearly 2 hour edition of 55 Min Physiology.
Want the short version? Check out 5 Min Physiology Version.
Thanks everyone!