In 25 Minute Physiology I tackle exciting physiology, nutrition, and human performance questions in 25 minutes or less (usually). This longer format allows for more extensive discussion than its little brother, 5 Minute Physiology, but it's not as in-depth as the big dog, 55 Min Physiology. So if simply "knowing" the answer isn't enough for you, and you want to know "why the answer is what it is", 25 Min Physiology is your spot!
25 Min Phys: 3 Steps to Optimizing Hydration
Being dehydrated kills performance, but so does OVERhydrating.
Just drink more water? Terrible advice.
If you want to perform at your best, figure out how to dial in your hydration.
A guide to optimizing hydration before, during, & after training.
I'd appreciate support on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/andygalpin
And if you aren’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see all the new awesome info I come across.
25 Min Phys: Protein, Amino Acids, & BCAA’s
Amino Acids & BCAA's, Different functions of protein in the body, Essential AA, High vs. Low-quality protein, Complete vs. Incomplete Proteins, HOW MUCH PROTEIN TO EAT, Vegetarians, Protein before bed, Kidney damage, Protein redistribution, Feeding Frequency, Leucine, Storage sites of protein, & MORE!!!!
I'd appreciate support on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/andygalpin
And if you aren’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see all the new awesome info I come across.
25 Min Phys: What Are Carbohydrates?
30 min of HARD hitting facts and foundational info about the most misunderstood player in the food and energy game. Don't be a mark and say stupid stuff, know your facts about carbohydrates.
Happy learning!
I'd appreciate support on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/andygalpin
And if you aren’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see all the new awesome info I come across.
25 Min Phys: 7 Variables To Create Better
Training Programs
I'd appreciate support on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/andygalpin
And if you aren’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see all the new awesome info I come across.
25 Min Phys: Periodization Basics
Learn how to craft your training program to maximize your gains and minimize your injuries over time.
I'd appreciate support on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/andygalpin
And if you aren’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see all the new awesome info I come across.
25 Min Phys: Power Training, How Heavy?
How heavy should you train to maximize your power?
Find out here!
I'd appreciate support on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/andygalpin
And if you aren’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see all the new awesome info I come across.
25 Min Phys: Speed vs. Acceleration Training
Get some!!!!
I'd appreciate support on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/andygalpin
And if you aren’t already, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel and follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see all the new awesome info I come across.
25 Min Phys: Endurance Training Programming
In this video I discusses various programming considerations when thinking about endurance training.
I cover various types of endurance, how to train to cause specific adaptations, and I give examples of what this would look like in terms of exercise type, sets/reps, duration, and much more helpful information!
***I can't thank you enough for your patreon support. You can see I put it to good use, NOTICE HOW THE VIDEO QUALITY HAS GONE WAYYYYY UP!
That's because I've got on some really great help. None of that would be possible without your support.
So THANK YOU for helping me spread the word and educated the world.
If you aren’t already, please consider contributing a buck or two - hell, maybe even 20 ;-) - to help support my mission. You can do this easily at my patreon page www.patreon.com/andygalpin
- Andy
25 Min Physiology: How To Pick
The Proper Exercise
Picking which exercise to do can be DAUNTING, TEDIOUS, and flat out CONFUSING. In this video I simplify and de-mystify the process, which should reduce the time it takes to write your workout and training programs, and improve their effectiveness. Be sure to check out more videos like this and support what i'm trying to do on my patreon page at www.patreon/andygalpin
Also, Follow me on Social: @DrAndyGalpin
You can also check out my podcast on thebodyofknowledge.com and my book at athleteunplugged.com !
Thanks and enjoy. Much Love.
25 Min Physiology: What are Carbs, Fat, and Protein? And How To Use Each!
This episode quickly discusses their basic Structure & Function to help you better decide how much of each to put on your plate! We finish with 3 common mistakes when attempting to build a macronutrient balanced meal.
What Lactate Is & What It ACTUALLY Does...
In this episode of 25 Minute Physiology, I tackle: Lactate. I cover common myths, what it actually is, what it actually does, and what's coming in the future of lactate research. Intended for all backgrounds & education levels.